Learn the art of Nuno Felting

Nuno Felting is a wet felting technique developed by fiber artist Polly Stirling where wool or fiber is felted or entangled with and through an open weave fabric such as silk chiffon or silk gauze.
The felting is accomplished by applying water, heat and friction to the sheep wool or alpaca fiber.
10 simple steps to becoming more sustainable

The idea of creating a sustainable or ethical wardrobe from scratch is, without doubt, a daunting one. There’s the prospect of not being able to wear the brands you’re used to and limiting your choices in terms of trends, not to mention having to spend a little more than you would normally.
Handmade versus machine made – which is better?

Shorts, shirts, skirts, tops, gowns, jeans, or traditional outfits that are region specific, one has a lot of options available on hand in terms of clothing and apparel. As per individual preferences and societal rules, people can choose to wear anything that they like. The market is filled with diversities in clothing.